Case Studie-1 :: Chandravati (Robertsganj, Uttar Pradesh)

Before taking a loan from Sonata, we had a very small Anup Singhincome. I have a family which is dependent solely on the income from small general store. I and my husband worked hard but found it very difficult to manage proper essentials for our family.

Then I got to know about the microfinance loans sanctioned by SONATA. I applied for a loan of Rs. 32,750 in the year 2016 and reinvested the funds into my general store shop.

The business started doing well and I availed further loans to expand my business. The loans helped us improve our financial condition substantially. We are able to provide a good education to our children. We have also purchased our own bike. I have been associated with Sonata for eight years now and hope to remain a part of the Sonata family.

Case Studie-2 :: Ram Pyari (Salon Branch)

I along with my husband was looking for some financial Anup Singh support to sustain a proper life and essentials for our family but in the absence of any collateral to offer, we were not in a position to approach a bank for loan.

When I came to know of collateral-free loan being offered by Sonata, I instantly applied for the loan. Sonata has been providing us financial assistance since the last eight years. My first loan from Sonata was of Rs. 14,400, with which I purchased cow and started selling milk in my village.

The business started doing well and I availed further loans to expand my business. I also bought a van for easy and quick transportation of the milk. With the help of these loans, we have made good progress and now we have a proper house with all basic amenities. We are financially secure now and plan to further strengthen our business. I am thankful to Sonata for giving us a chance to work towards a better life.